William Still’s “Journal C,” with notes on Harriet Tubman’s arrival in Philadelphia with her three brothers and others on December 29, 1854

Journal C of the Underground Railroad in Philadelphia kept by William Still .jpg
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William Still’s “Journal C,” with notes on Harriet Tubman’s arrival in Philadelphia with her three brothers and others on December 29, 1854


Subject (Topic)
Antislavery movements--United States;
Fugitive slaves--United States;
Northeastern United States;
Underground Railroad
Subject (Name)
Tubman, Harriet, 1822-1913


William Still an African American abolitionist and conductor on the Underground Railroad in Philadelphia, kept an extensive log, ”Journal C of Station No. 2 of the Underground Railroad,” which provides important details about how Philadelphia's Vigilance Committee assisted escaped slaves during their travels northward. The excerpt here shows Tubman’s arrival in Philadelphia in 1854. "Harriet Tubman Dec. 29/54 (6) Arrived_ John Chase, (now Dan. Lloyd), Benj. Ross (now Jas. Stewart) (Henry Ross,)(now Lewis Stewart), Peter Jackson, (now Stanch Tilghman) Jane Kane, (now Catherine K.) Robert Ross124 John is 20 yrs of age, chesnut color, spair built, Smart &c He fled from Henry John Camble John Campbell Henry, a farmer, who resided at Cambridge, Dorchester, Md. John spoke of his master as being a hard man_ owns 140 slaves. Some hes sells, occasionally_ The owner would not allow John to Seek his own master_ this was the cause of his escape Left behind Farther, mother, Bro‘s, & sisters, all slaves. Benj. Is 28 yrs of age, chesnut cl color, medium size, intelligent &c He was owned by Eliza Ann Brodius_ lived neart Beecktown_ Cambridge Md."

Journal C of Station No. 2 of the Underground Railroad, Agent William Still, 1852-1857, page 139, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.


Still, William, 1821-1902


Historical Society of Pennsylvania




Historical Society of Pennsylvania





Bibliographic Citation

Still, William. "Journal C of the Underground Railroad in Philadelphia kept by William Still : containing notices of arrivals of fugitive slaves in Philadelphia with descriptions of their flight, 1852-1857." Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Accessed November, 29, 2018, https://digitallibrary.hsp.org/index.php/Detail/objects/2030.

Rights Holder

Renée Ater


Still, William, 1821-1902, “William Still’s “Journal C,” with notes on Harriet Tubman’s arrival in Philadelphia with her three brothers and others on December 29, 1854,” Harriet Tubman Monuments, accessed July 27, 2024, https://harriettubmanmonuments.slaverymonuments.org/items/show/77.